Nasty Santaa <---> Sanat Satyan <---> Tasty Ananas <--> A Nasty Satan <--> As a Nasty Ant <-> Tasty as a Nan <---> Stay as an ant <-> A Nasty Santa <--> Stays at Anna

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Getting back to life...

Finally back to a life of my own,
Living a dream of my own,
Doing what i choose to do...
..and answering no more questions!

Placements 2007 over...finally placed at an organization, no one in college would have dreamt of to even come on campus!

Lehman Brothers...Associate...Credit/Equity Research, Powai, Mumbai!

How i wish ... How i wish you were here ...

Wish you were here...

Me, Myself & ...

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India