Nasty Santaa <---> Sanat Satyan <---> Tasty Ananas <--> A Nasty Satan <--> As a Nasty Ant <-> Tasty as a Nan <---> Stay as an ant <-> A Nasty Santa <--> Stays at Anna

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Another successful presentation ...

Another presentation on Tirupati Waiting Line Management completed on 16 Feb 08

Team - Arpita, Promit, Neil, Hemanth, Piyal, Sanat

"The team has been invited by Dr Jayanta Chatterjee of IIT Kanpur to write a case from our research, which he proposes to include in his next book with the Service Guru, Prof Christopher Lovelock."

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How i wish ... How i wish you were here ...

Wish you were here...

Me, Myself & ...

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India