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Friday, February 22, 2008

Who am I?

(Written for an HR assignment for someone else!)

A pertinent question at a point in time, when I am about to take one of the most important steps in my life again – a giant leap from my academic life to professional career!

I would like to analyse myself only in the past two years of my life at T A Pai Management Institute. I would ask myself whether this experience has made me a better manager or a better person!


• I believe my biggest strength today (which I have developed in the past two years) is that I have learnt and managed to be calm in any and every situation. I find it very easy to look every situation very rationally and logically in that frame of mind. This is different from what I was during my previous working career and I consider this strength to take me to different places now.

• I have learnt to direct my ‘creativity’ in various forms today – be it presentations, speeches, words etc. I believe it takes efforts for an artist to do this as giving a direction to one’s creativity is an art in itself!

• I have been a perfectionist and I still am – and I think I would like to stay this way forever because this brings out the best in me.


• I always believed that I could do more one two to three things at the same time and a lot of times, I have failed. I have learnt a lot in this regard at TAPMI and I believe there is still some way to go.
• My perfectionist nature makes my put my foot down in a lot of matters when it comes to teamwork – sometimes acting as a deterrent to the assignment itself. I believe I should be more accommodating.


• I see that my interest in my career have reached its peak today. There is a lot of opportunity in finding new avenues in my areas of interests and develop myself more as an all-rounder than a specialist.

• I have been seen a lot as a soft human being – people not knowing what has gone behind to bring this softness. I was never like this – I believe that is something that misleads people when they analyse me and I would like to improve on that!


• My existence is threatened by my laziness. My perseverance finds a stiff competitor every morning in my lazy attitude about certain things.

• Am I threat to anyone? Probably not! This is because I always believe to grow through collaborative learning.

• Who can threaten me? I can tackle people – probably, it is my greed for achievement!

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How i wish ... How i wish you were here ...

Wish you were here...

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